Předminulý čas prostý / Past Perfect Simple
Kladná oznamovací věta
Podmět + had + příčestí minulé
Pozn.: Příčestí minulé má u pravidelných sloves (např. play, watch) koncovku –ed, nepravidelná slovesa mají zvláštní tvary (např. be – been, go – gone, speak – spoken)
- I could quickly find the way because I had been there many times before.
- She wanted to show him the book that she had found.
(Wh?) + had + podmět + příčestí minulé
- What had he done before he called?
- Had you ever studied German before you moved to Austria?
Podmět + had + not + příčestí minulé
Stažené tvary: I had not = I hadn’t, you had not = you hadn’t, he had not = he hadn’t apod.
- I got a bad mark because I had not done my homework. / … because I hadn’t done …
- They lost the game because they had not trained. / … because they hadn’t trained.
Událost, která předcházela jiné události v minulosti

- He called the police afer he had seen the accident.
- I couldn’t buy it because I had left the money at home.
Stav před změnou v minulosti
Týká se hlavně sloves, která netvoří průběhový tvar (např. be, know, have, like), ale často se používá i u sloves jako live, work nebo study.

- We had lived in Rome for five years before we moved to Barcelona.
- By the time Jessica went to America, she had studied at the university for three years.
Podmínkové věty
- If you had come with us, you would have seen it.
- He would have passed the test if he had studied.
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