Angličtina » Témata » Data / Dates
2nd November / 2 November
Čteme: the second of November. Člen the a předložka of se obvykle nezapisují, ale vyslovují se.
November 2nd / November 2
Čteme: November second.
02/11 nebo 02-11 [dd/mm]
11/02 nebo 11-02 [mm/dd]
Pozor, zkrácený zápis často začíná měsícem, nikoliv dnem jako v češtině!
Př. 06/27 = 27nd June
January | Leden | May | Květen | September | Září |
February | Únor | June | Červen | October | Říjen |
March | Březen | July | Červenec | November | Listopad |
April | Duben | August | Srpen | December | Prosinec |
1. | the first | 1st | 11. | the eleventh | 11th | 21. | the twenty-first | 21st |
2. | the second | 2nd | 12. | the twelfth | 12th | 22. | the twenty-second | 22nd |
3. | the third | 3rd | 13. | the thirteenth | 13th | 23. | the twenty-third | 23rd |
4. | the fourth | 4th | 14. | the fourteenth | 14th | 24. | the twenty-fourth | 24th |
5. | the fifth | 5th | 15. | the fifteenth | 15th | 25. | the twenty-fifth | 25th |
6. | the sixth | 6th | 16. | the sixteenth | 16th | 26. | the twenty-sixth | 26th |
7. | the seventh | 7th | 17. | the seventeenth | 17th | 27. | the twenty-seventh | 27th |
8. | the eighth | 8th | 18. | the eighteenth | 18th | 28. | the twenty-eighth | 28th |
9. | the ninth | 9th | 19. | the nineteenth | 19th | 29. | the twenty-ninth | 29th |
10. | the tenth | 10th | 20. | the twentieth | 20th | 30. | the thirtieth | 30th |
31. | the thirty-first | 31st |